So before writing this blog post, I thought about a question I always hear people ask and that is ‘how do I lose weight fast? ‘. I myself have pondered this question before and I have received different answers.
Being honest with you, most of the answers I received were very unhealthy whilst the other required time and effort. Losing weight quickly is not impossible but it’s definitely difficult to do properly. Despite this if you put your mind to it, you can actually achieve anything you want.
If you want to lose weight fast, you will need to eat at sensible times, eat healthy food, exercise, avoid excessive alcohol consumption and limit unhealthy eating behaviors.
Although silly, I have always set a personal goal to maintain my body weight. I’ll share that goal with you later on in this blog post.
So here are the four strict rules I live by to maintain my desired weight and also lose it whenever I gain more. I’m not saying you need to follow these rules to the letter if you want to lose weight, I am only sharing these with you because I have found that they helped me keep my figure and also burn unwanted fat.

Disclaimer : I am not a health nutritionist or a doctor. The information provided on this page is what I have discovered works for me through trial and error. Only try them at your own risk.
1- Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
So there was a time when I didn’t drink alcohol at all. I actually went by the book and had my first alcoholic drink when I was 21 years old. Before drinking my weight was 55kg and after I started drinking it went up to 60kg. As soon as I noticed it, I cut out alcohol and didn’t have a drink for 6 months.
I noticed that my weight went back to normal. Now I’m not saying never drink alcohol ever again. Having a drink can make us happy, makes us forget our troubles and worries and help to socialise with others but we often don’t ever realise that alcohol can be very calorific.
If you drink a lot, then you are more likely to see the weight build up. When it comes to alcohol moderation will be your best friend because it can save you from drinking too much and feeling poorly the next day.
So this is how I control my alcohol consumption : if I drink too much alcohol for a day or two, I would then not have a drink for an entire month. I find this method very effective and it works for me, making the times I do drink more of an enjoyable rarity rather than part of my day to day life.
2. Avoid fatty foods.

I know this is a discouraging one, mostly because fatty foods often taste better compared to healthy ones. However, it is obvious that the easiest and fastest way to gain weight is through large amount of fatty foods. The more unhealthily you eat the more weight you will notice building up. I have a number of fattening foods I love eating too but I have to discipline myself and have a stronger will to say no.
I set a date to eat fatty foods, I know this sounds ridiculous but it works so well because I prepare my body for it. When the time for fatty foods come, I eat as much of it as I can until I can’t eat anymore and therefore I know I won’t be craving it for a while.
3. Avoid late night meals and snacks

I can’t believe I am putting this on the list to avoid because this eating method was once my favourite. I used to go the whole day not eating anything and just waiting for midnight snacks because I believed it was the best way to end the day and sleep with a full stomach. Little did I know that everything I ate before going to bed just turned into fat.
It is therefore very important you eat all your meals at the right time. My whole life I have been told that breakfast is very important and that indeed is very true because it is the first chance for a meal and gives you that initial burst of energy to get you through the rest of the day.
I am not a morning person, so I miss breakfast most of the time as I wake up late. However, if I am up early, I always make sure to have breakfast. So on a good day my eating schedule would be as follows :
Breakfast between 08:00 – 10:00
Lunch between 13:30-15:30
Dinner between 18:30-20:30
I always try to make sure that my last meal is before 21:00 as I like to give my body time to breakdown and process the food whilst I’m still active.

4. Exercise
Now this step is perhaps the most important step in this whole article because it’s the most effective.
Eating healthily is only a fraction of the process to lose weight. Now I have never paid for a gym membership because I personally believe I would be wasting money on something I could easily do from home.
I lose weight by walking long distance, jogging, sprinting and dancing. These are just some of the lower intensity I do to lose weight.
When it comes to getting lean and toning my whole body, I do exercises such as lunges, squats, sit-ups, bur-pees, star jumps, Russian twists and planks. I do these exercises for 1 hour 4 times a week. Of late I have been quite busy and have let my routine slip a little bit, in the near future I am going to try and re-engage myself in this lifestyle. Sometimes life gets in the way but the important thing is having a route back to where you started ready for your return to form.
As I said earlier, I have always set a goal for my body weight and that goal is to be consistent for at least 5 years. I know this is very silly but this how I control and maintain my weight. Some may say that my goal is very unhealthy and self harming but I can assure you it is not because I eat every single day of the year and have never gone a day without a meal. Occasionally stress and day to day life overwhelms me and I tend to eat less at those time.
I’m not saying you have to do exactly what I do to lose weight, but to find your own equilibrium, that point where you are comfortable losing weight and can gradually increase your level of exercise as time goes on without over straining yourself.
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